Most professional authors focus on one genre – and if they are good they gain a following of people who enjoy their specific style of writing.   Once they are established in that arena it confuses people to find them writing anything else.

I can’t do that.

Life in all its complex diversity reaches out and demands I mix my literary palette with colors from many genres; the blues of my career in aviation, the greens of my gardening avocation, the yellows from solar and sustainable living, the bright spotlight of singing in musical theatre, to the murky colors of mystery, the kaleidoscope of fantasy and the purples of memoir all compete for attention.

I’ve written stage plays, short film scripts, books, magazine articles, short stories, and (heaven help me) some pretty poor poetry that has actually been published.  The time my mind wanders between words and worlds in their creation is a gift I received from the muses. The results I offer here to you.    Enjoy!

Dreamy Writer’s Conference Cruise

All writers need inspiration and relaxation to tap into their natal creativity.  Join Rose and other professional writers in August 2025 on a cruise from Seattle to Alaska – Click here for more information.

Quirky Book Released!


Rosie’s latest gardening book combines the sound advice and observations of a Master Gardener with the imaginative musings of a conservatively radical proponent of self-reliant, sustainable living practices.  Written with a twinkle in her eye, Rose’s crazy sense of humor guarantees you will chuckle or groan with her as she experiments with her growing environment!

For more information click here.









